Tiffany Poe

I'm Tiffany Poe

A crazy dreamer, multi-passion creative, consultant, coach and chef mama who loves a good cup of coffee or tea :) and a solid faith-filled comeback story!

 Most folks know me as "Chef Poe"... I'm a grateful wife, diligent mom to seven kiddos, professional chef, consultant, coach by trade, an entrepreneur by heritage, and a faith-filled warrior by choice!

I see life through the eyes of writing a beautiful recipe... every ingredient has a story and every step of the process matters. My greatest joy comes from seeing people fulfill their purpose and achieve their dreams. 

I love creating memorable experiences in the professional and personal development space.
I believe LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE...and

I'm always hungry to taste more!   

Hi There,

My Love language is hospitality, food and fellowship...
I've spent the last 20 years sharing that passion with thousands of folks while inspiring them to achieve their dreams and
"Write Their own Life Recipe"

 Now my work involves inspiring corporate groups, education institutions,  business teams and passionate individuals to achieve more by understanding their "Senses of Success"
The ingredients that create a beautiful life, successful work environment or effective project are the same building blocks chefs use in the kitchen to refine their craft and execute amazing results with operations and lead successful teams...
 When applied at the right time... these ingredients can work for any area of your life as well. 

This is my tribe...

If I were to sum up my "Why" into one picture... it would be this one.  My husband Steven and I have been married for 22 years and have walked through some beautiful and trying seasons together.  Like all couples, there are days when we are madly in love and others where we are simply trying to NOT go
cuckoo for cocoa puffs and eat each other :) 
Together we've created seven fabulous humans! 

Our three daughters are the crowing jewels of our family and our sons are the pillars from which we've framed
our life, ministry and purpose. 

We are the proud parents of Macpherson, Zale, Lilly, Riley (who lives in heaven), Sophia (our rainbow), Israel (our double rainbow and extra chromosome miracle) and
Solomon (Our triple rainbow, heterochromia little man of peace)

Our days revolve around home education, building our therapy farm in the Ozarks of Missouri and being grateful for everyday God has given us together!

Mine have brown eyes

Cute Curly Hair

And Big Beautiful Smiles

What's Your Why?

My Story

When I first meet someone... I want to know their story...
What makes them tick?
What have they survived through?
What's their capacity for compassion?
Who have they touched?
What get's them up in the morning? 
What drives them and why?
Passion always has a place and mine comes from DEEP within. 
Here's a quick rendition of my story and why
I'm so motivated to help others write their BEST LIFE RECIPE!

WHY I Care...

Life is a Beautiful Journey...
I'm always hungry to taste more...

My Story

Download Guide

Love, Loss and Finding your rainbows...

My journey through life has taken me on some painful and yet redemptive pathways.  I'm just as grateful for the tears as I am for the triumphs.  Every ingredient has shaped and molded me into the woman I am today.  If you've walked through baby loss, I have a special bereaving parents guide for you. 
Friends, it's not an easy road to healing and restoration, but I promise, IT IS POSSIBLE!    

The best is yet to come...

A Few of My Favorite Things

Yes, A CLEAVER!  My favorite knife is a Japanese Style Vegetable Cleaver... You can snag one from  any online retailer. 
I love the way it feels in my hand.  

This makes me happy...

I've looked my whole life for a fragrance I could identify with and feel like it was made for me specifically... ENTER... TIFFANY & CO. ROSE GOLD... Delicious!!!  Everytime I wear this fragrance... I get comps!  

If you've ever cooked with me, you know how much I love a good salt! 
Hands down, MALDON brand is my favorite.  It's worth every penny! It's like sprinkling salt snow flakes on your beautiful food!  

My Favorite Things

Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.

my guilty pleasure

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Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.

Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical direct trade slow-carb everyday carry chartreuse tofu godard.

My Favorite Things

Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.

my guilty pleasure

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Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.

Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical direct trade slow-carb everyday carry chartreuse tofu godard.

"Belief has a sound and her name is Tiffany poe..."

- Cathy Savage:  Savage branding Agency

Passion - optimism - effectiveness

What's A "Chef's Guide" all about?

Oh, that's your POV!!!

in a world where view and perspective matter... it's always fun to know what point of view you are getting into when it comes to content, frame of mind and overall perception...

When a chef approaches a new task or objective there is a beautiful and almost transcendent process that takes place...
We are taught to look at everything from a multi-faceted approach that begins with the senses and continues to the elements of creativity that have served the great chefs, musicians, artists, scientists and inventors for centuries.  

As a professional chef, I'm obsessed with the sensory experience.  As an entrepreneur, I'm obsessed with the results. 
 As an educator I'm obsessed with the relationship between the neuro-experience and getting the most out of life. 
Combine these topics with a generous dash of accountability and a deep dive into understanding the spirit, soul & body and you have a recipe for a major transformation.

When it comes to my approach to business, life, consulting, coaching and the educational journey it stems from those foundational paradigms.   

If my method or "Point of view" was a recipe it would look something like this!

Work with me...

Enter... A Chef's Guide

Dr. Ben Goh

Dean for the school of hospitality and tourism management - macau university of science and technology - macau china

In my 30 years as an administrator in hospitality and education,
I consider Tiffany my best hire.  She is a tremendous life coach and leader with a passion and energy like I have never seen before!  Her approach to experiential learning is only surpassed by her ability to foster and activate relationships while encouraging others to ignite their dreams and reach for greatness.  I have benefited from her coaching personally and you will benefit from the way she transforms the human potential into reality! 

Chef Jeff Henderson

The Chef Jeff Project Relaunch and New York Time Best Selling Author and Speaker

Chef Tiffany Poe has been a great help in shaping my vision for my school and mentoring of youth.  I'm so grateful for her coaching and the God strategies she's inspired.  

Callie farish 

Fowler Culinary Concepts

Tiffany Poe has been one of the single most influential people in my professional life.  Her wisdom and nurturing spirit is so unique as it gives her a special aptitude into helping others.  She has an exceptional insight for seeing potential and a gift for drawing out that potential in individuals.  She strategically equips you with the tools, knowledge, plan and organization to use in your own life and careers while challenging you to achieve your dreams.  Tiffany is specifically gifted in understanding the capacity of personal priorities, readiness, and emotional maturity in order to help her clients make successful changes in their minds and hearts. 


How it Works



Let's chat... it's all about finding the right fit and seeing the vision for your life, project, business, organization or institution.  It's all about being a good match energetically and creatively...



Every good vision needs a plan and once we decide what the goals, dreams, objectives or ideas are for your next season, we create a "Master Plan" of action to achieve them!  



Part of our work together will be in MINDSET and EXPERIENTIAL CHANGE & IMPLEMENTATION MANAGEMENT.  You'll be INSPIRED, AMAZED AND TRANSFORMED by these techniques!

Ready To Get Started?


Chef Jeff Henderson

The Chef Jeff Project Relaunch and New York Time Best Selling Author and Speaker

"Chef Tiffany Poe has been a great help in shaping my vision for my school and mentoring of youth.  I'm so grateful for her coaching and the God strategies she's inspired." 

So tell me, why did you sell everything and move to the Ozarks?

Well, it's a long story, but if you've got a few minutes read all about our family's newest project and find out why we sold everything and moved to the Ozarks of Missouri!  
I'll give you a hint... his name is Israel and he's kind of a BIG DEAL...

About the Farm

Our Legacy...

Legacy Farms of the Ozarks

Instagram is my happy place...

Did You Say...



Licensed for Tiffany Poe


Social Butterfly?